Ci ritroviamo con un avanzo di € 8.653,27.
qualche approfondimento e doverosi scambi d’idee, tra di noi, abbiamo
deciso di destinare ciò che abbiamo avanzato alla realizzazione di un
progetto in ricordo di Keziah: acquistare uno strumento di analisi chimico-cliniche per il laboratorio analisi dell'ospedale di North Kinangop in Kenya.
pare sia un modo concreto di ricordare la nostra piccola amica, dando
un valore in più alle tante amicizie nate, grazie a lei, proprio nel
corso della sua permanenza in mezzo a noi. Con questa iniziativa
vogliamo offrire a tanti suoi conterranei un’opportunità di cura in più.
Importo complessivo dell’acquisto del macchinario: € 26.000,00
l’Associazione A.S.P.O.S. di Padova ha deciso di affiancarci in questa
iniziativa con l’erogazione di un contribuito di € 7.000,00.
stessa iniziativa è stata inserita tra i progetti suggeriti dal Centro
Missionario Diocesano di Padova nel corso della recente Quaresima.
in quest’occasione, l’Associazione Famiglie Insieme si è resa
disponibile a coordinare la raccolta fondi. Per questo è stato aperto
uno specifico c/c bancario presso la Banca San Giorgio, Quinto e Valle
Agno Filiale di Fara Vicentino, sul quale far confluire le offerte che
raccoglieremo. Queste le coordinate bancarie:
IT 53 T 08807 60380 000000500500
che la nostra iniziativa potrà realizzarsi solo con l’appoggio di tanti
amici, all’avvio del progetto ringraziamo anticipatamente quanti
vorranno contribuire direttamente con il loro sostegno economico e/o con
la diffusione dell’idea tra amici, parenti e conoscenti.
In Kenya le cure sanitarie di livello IV (ospedale), V (ospedale con varie specializzazioni) e VI (ospedale con tutte le specializzazioni) sono offerte dalla sanità privata, dalla sanità pubblica e da quella missionaria.
privata di sanità segue i parametri commerciali: è di buon livello sia per
strumentazione che per professionalità, richiede un pagamento elevato e si
rivolge al ceto dei più abbienti e delle assicurazioni private ed è concentrata
su bacini di utenza redditizi (città). Rappresenta il 12% di tutta la sanità.
servizio pubblico rappresenta il 56% degli ospedali ed è presente in quasi
tutto il territorio nazionale. Impiega personale qualificato con strumentazione
sufficiente. I limiti principali sono la scarsità rispetto alle richieste e
quindi la congestione, la difficoltà di manutenzione dei macchinari e la
supervisione del personale e quindi l'inefficienza.
servizio missionario rappresenta il 32% dell'offerta ospedaliera ed è presente
anche in zone marginali; deve offrire assistenza sanitaria di qualità a tutti,
meno abbienti compresi, senza sostegno finanziario pubblico, testimoniando
efficienza, professionalità e gestione prudente.
di North Kinangop è parte di questo settore e si pone a cavallo tra il IV e il
V livello. Sorge a circa 150 Km a nord di Nairobi, sull'altopiano del Nyandarua
e ai piedi delle catene cieli' Aberdere, La cittadina più vicina, Naivasha
dista circa 35 Km dall'ospedale mentre il capoluogo del distretto, Nyahururu è
a circa 90 km, Pur essendo relativamente vicino a Nairobi, l'ospedale è
abbastanza isolato a causa delle vie di comunicazione: la strada di
collegamento a Naivasha è per una ventina di chilometri non asfaltata e
difficile da transitare, specialmente durante il periodo delle piogge.
costruzione dell'ospedale missionario di
North Kinangop è stata iniziata 50 anni fa dai Padri della Diocesi di
Padova, assieme alle Religiose Piccole Figlie di San Giuseppe di Verona e in
collaborazione con il CLIAMIVI di Padova. La proprietà è della Diocesi di
Nyahururu, che lo dirige per mezzo di un comitato di gestione presieduto dal
Vescovo. Attualmente l'ospedale serve la, county del Nyandarwa e parte della
county del Laikipia ed offre sia servizi ambulatoriali (ambulatorio dentistico,
oculistico, radiologico, riabilitazione, ortopedia, ginecologia, ecografia, OR
I laboratorio di analisi), sia di Pronto Soccorso e di ricovero ospedaliero nei
reparti di maternità/ginecologia, pediatria, medicina e chirurgia.
personale direttamente impiegato per la gestione dell'ospedale si aggira sulle
300 persone, tra cui 7 medici, 9 "Registered Clinical Officer", 1
Dentista, 2 Radiologi, 7 Tecnici di Farmacia, 75 Infermiere diplomate, 3
Fisioterapisti, 6 Tecnici di Laboratorio, 35 Ausiliarie e una cinquantina come
personale nei servizi di supporto. L'ospedale ha una capacità di 200 letti:
ricovera oltre 8.500 pazienti l'anno, con 2.100 parti e 3.400 operazioni chirurgiche
nelle 4 sale operatorie. Il Day Hospital serve circa 68.000 pazienti l'anno
negli ambulatori e servizi vari.
La gestione dell'ospedale è affidata a 8 suore
della congregazione "Piccole Figlie di S. Giuseppe -
VR", e a un sacerdote della provincia di Padova, coadiuvati dal team di professionisti
nel campo finanziario, manageriale e sanitario.
La gestione finanziaria della struttura ospedaliera
nel suo complesso è suddivisa in 3 macroaree:
La gestione ordinaria, comprendente le spese legate
ai salari, all'acquisto dei medicinali, al consumo
dell'elettricità, al cibo, ai trasporti, all'utilizzo del telefono. Tali spese sono coperte dal contributo dell'assicurazione nazionale e dei
pazienti e, nel caso di degenti non
abbienti, attraverso un fondo di beneficenza alimentato da piccole donazioni
locali o internazionali.
La gestione straordinaria prevede la manutenzione
straordinaria di edifici, le piccole ristrutturazioni,
eventuali migliorie e limitati sviluppi edilizi. Il costo di tali operazioni è coperto grazie ai profitti delle varie attività artigianali e agricole
che si conducono all'interno del perimetro dell'ospedale e che, in primo luogo,
soddisfano le necessità dell'ospedale stesso.
Gli introiti derivanti da prestazioni verso terzi vengono reinvestiti nell'ambito della gestione straordinaria.
Nella realizzazione di grossi progetti sono inclusi
l'acquisto di macchinari o la costruzione di più
complesse opere edilizie. I
costi per la realizzazione di tali attività provengono da fondi e aiuti donati da enti, comunità
ecclesiali o anche singoli contribuenti. Il presente
progetto è appunto in questa direzione.
situazione attuale: il bacino di utenza
dell'ospedale comprende circa 300.000 persone; i
pazienti arrivano sia per prestazioni di pronto soccorso che ambulatoriali; alcuni vengono ricoverati. Vista la notevole attività dell'ospedale, e in
particolare delle sale operatorie, é apparso indispensabile
attivare e incrementare le prestazioni del
Laboratorio Analisi. Attualmente vengono effettuati 73.561 esami di chimica clinica l'anno; i risultati devono essere a disposizione dei clinici entro
poche ore.
problematica: attualmente l'opedale dispone
di un solo strumento per la chimica clinica: ogni
volta che questo presenta un qualunque malfunzionamento l'effettuazione delle analisi si blocca, provocando come minimo ritardi che
si ripercuotono sull'efficienza generale e in particolare sui tempi di
degenza. C'è stato addirittura un periodo
durato alcuni mesi in cui a diversi pazienti non è stato possibile offrire
la prestazione medica.
obiettivo: l'acquisto di un nuovo
strumento di chimica clinica da affiancare al vecchio migliorerà l'efficienza del laboratorio e soprattutto permetterà di non
ritardare o bloccare l'attività anche in situazioni di
E' stato individuato lo strumento ILAB ARIES wlo ISE
- Automated Biochemistry Analyser - che permette
fino a 280 test/h, distribuito dalla Technomed Ltd residente a Nairobi. Tale scelta è stata dettata da diversi fattori, primo fra tutti il
fatto che la ditta si trova in Kenya e l'assistenza
risulta quindi professionale e tempestiva; inoltre il costo risulta relativamente limitato in confronto a strumenti analoghi.
Il prezzo è di 2.610.000,00 KSHS, pari a circa
26.000 Euro; il costo comprende trasporto,
installazione, training del personale in loco e un anno di garanzia.
P.O. BOX 88
- 20318 NORTH KINANGOP - KENYA Tel. 050-50592 Fax 050-50737
Dear friends,
although we had to surrender to the hard reality of the Keziah’s disease ( the generous commitment of so many friends who for different reasons have walked hoped with us still remains. To all of you once again THANK YOU from the bottom of our heart. A surplus of € 8,653.27 has left. After some discussion inside the group, we decided to use the money left for a new projectin the memory of Keziah: we’d like to buy a machine for chemical-clinical analysis for thelaboratory of the hospital in North Kinangop in Kenya. It seems to be a concrete way to remember our little friend and to give an extra value to the numerous friendships we made thanks to her during while she stayed among us. With this action we want to offer to so many of her countrymen an opportunity of better health-care. Total cost of the machine: € 26,000.00 The Association A.S.P.O.S. in Padua has already decided to support us in this action with acontribution of € 7,000.00. The same action has been included among the projects recommended by the Diocesan Missionary Centre in Padua during the recent Easter-time. The Association Famiglie Insieme is once more ready to coordinate the fundraising. For this reason a specific bank account has been created by the bank Banca San Giorgio, Quinto e Valle Agno Filiale di Fara Vicentino, where the money will be collected. These are the bank details: IT 53 T 08807 60380 000000500500
We are aware that our action can have success only with the support of many friends and at the very beginning of the project we would like to thank in advance all those who willcontribute directly through their financial support and / or just by spreading information about the action among friends, relatives and acquaintances.
In Kenya the health care for the levels IV (hospital), V (hospital with various specializations)and VI (hospital with all specialties) are offered by the private assistance, the public healthsystem and the missionaries. The private health system follows the commercial parameters: it has reached a good level regarding technology and professional skills; it requires a high fee and refers to the upper class of wealthy people and to private insurance companies; it is focused on profitableareas (big cities). It represents 12% of the whole health care. The public system represents 56% of the hospitals and is spread in most of the national territory. It employs qualified operators personnel with sufficient technology. The main difficulties are represented by the limited offer in comparison to the demand, problems to take care of the machinery and the supervision of the staff with final inefficient outcomes.
The missionary service represents 32% of the supply of hospital care and is spread inmarginal areas too; it has to offer quality health care for everybody, included disadvantaged groups, without public financial support and has to show efficiency, professionalism andprudent management. The hospital of North Kinangop is part of this public system and stands between the fourth and fifth level. It is located about 150 km north of Nairobi, on the plateau of Nyandarua andat the feet of the Aberdere mountains. The nearest town, Naivasha, is approximately 35 kmaway from the hospital while the district capital, Nyahururu, is about 90 km away. Despite being relatively close to Nairobi, the hospital is quite isolated because of the transport system: the road connecting the hospital to Naivasha is about twenty kilometers unpavedand it is difficult to drive on it, especially during the rainy season. The construction of the MISSIONARY HOSPITAL IN NORTH KINANGOP was started 50 years ago by the priests of the Diocese of Padua, together with the Piccole Figlie di San Giuseppe di Verona in Verona and with the help of CLIAMIVI in Padua. It belongs to the Diocese of Nyahururu and is managed by committee directed by the Bishop. At the moment the hospital serves the county Nyandarwa and part of that of Laikipia and it offers bothoutpatient services (dental surgery, ophthalmology, radiology, rehabilitation, orthopedics,gynecology, ultrasound, laboratory analysis), and First Aid and hospitalization in maternity /gynecology, pediatrics, medicine and surgery. About 300 people are directly involved in the management of the hospital, including 7doctors, 9 "Registered Clinical Officers", 1 dentist, 2 radiologists, 7 pharmacy technicians,75 graduated nurses, 3 physiotherapists, 6 lab technicians, 85 as personal support services. The hospital has a capacity of 200 beds: it hosts more than 8,500 patients a year,with 2,100 childbirths and 3,400 surgical operations in the 4 surgery rooms. The Day Hospital service helps approximately 68,000 patients a year. The management of the hospital belongs to the Sisters of the "Piccole Figlie di S. Giuseppe - VR " and a priest of the province of Padua, assisted by a team of professional experts in the financial, managerial and health sector. The financial management of the hospital as a whole is divided into 3 main areas: Ordinary management, including expenses related to wages payment, purchase of medicines, electricity, food, transport and phone. These costs are covered by the national insurance contribution and by patients. In case of poor patients a charity fund fed by small local or international donations helps. Extraordinary management involves the maintenance of buildings, small renovations,possible improvements and limited housing developments. The cost of these operations is covered thanks to the profits of the various agricultural and handcraft activities that are made within the hospital and that help first of all the hospital itself. Money coming fromexternal services are reinvested in the context of extraordinary management. The management of large projects includes the purchase of special equipment or the construction of bigger buildings. The costs of these activities are covered byfunds and financial support of different organizations, ecclesial communities, or even individual contributions. This project belongs exactly to this area.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Current situation: the hospital's service area regards approximately 300,000 people;patients come for both emergency and “normal” care; some are hospitalized. Considering the busy activity of the hospital, and in particular of the operating rooms, it seemsnecessary to activate and improve the performance of the Analysis Laboratory. Currently73,561 clinical chemical examinations are performed in a year; the results should beavailable for the doctors in a few hours. Problem: the hospital has currently only one machine for clinical chemical analysis: every time this machine doesn’t work properly the ananlysis isn’t made and causes important delays that affect the efficiency in general and let people stay much longer at the hospital.There has even been a period that lasted several months in which it was not possible to provide the medical service.
Goal: we would like to purchase of a new machine for clinical chemical analysis that could work together with the old one. This will improve the efficiency of the laboratory and most of all it will avoid the paralysis of the service in case of failure of the machine.
We identified the machine ILAB ARIES wlo ISE - Automated Biochemistry Analyzer – as the most appropriate for our goal. It allows up to 280 tests / h and is distributed by TechnomedLtd based in Nairobi. This choice was made considering several aspects; the most important one is that the company is located in Kenya and the service assistance is therefore professional and quick in case of failure; the cost is relatively limited in comparison to similar instruments too. The price is KSHS 2,610,000.00, equivalent to about 26,000 Euro; the cost includestransportation, installation, training of the personnel on site and a one year warranty. P.O. BOX 88 - 20318 NORTH KINANGOP - KENYA Tel. 050-50592 Fax 050-50737
The missionary service represents 32% of the supply of hospital care and is spread inmarginal areas too; it has to offer quality health care for everybody, included disadvantaged groups, without public financial support and has to show efficiency, professionalism andprudent management. The hospital of North Kinangop is part of this public system and stands between the fourth and fifth level. It is located about 150 km north of Nairobi, on the plateau of Nyandarua andat the feet of the Aberdere mountains. The nearest town, Naivasha, is approximately 35 kmaway from the hospital while the district capital, Nyahururu, is about 90 km away. Despite being relatively close to Nairobi, the hospital is quite isolated because of the transport system: the road connecting the hospital to Naivasha is about twenty kilometers unpavedand it is difficult to drive on it, especially during the rainy season. The construction of the MISSIONARY HOSPITAL IN NORTH KINANGOP was started 50 years ago by the priests of the Diocese of Padua, together with the Piccole Figlie di San Giuseppe di Verona in Verona and with the help of CLIAMIVI in Padua. It belongs to the Diocese of Nyahururu and is managed by committee directed by the Bishop. At the moment the hospital serves the county Nyandarwa and part of that of Laikipia and it offers bothoutpatient services (dental surgery, ophthalmology, radiology, rehabilitation, orthopedics,gynecology, ultrasound, laboratory analysis), and First Aid and hospitalization in maternity /gynecology, pediatrics, medicine and surgery. About 300 people are directly involved in the management of the hospital, including 7doctors, 9 "Registered Clinical Officers", 1 dentist, 2 radiologists, 7 pharmacy technicians,75 graduated nurses, 3 physiotherapists, 6 lab technicians, 85 as personal support services. The hospital has a capacity of 200 beds: it hosts more than 8,500 patients a year,with 2,100 childbirths and 3,400 surgical operations in the 4 surgery rooms. The Day Hospital service helps approximately 68,000 patients a year. The management of the hospital belongs to the Sisters of the "Piccole Figlie di S. Giuseppe - VR " and a priest of the province of Padua, assisted by a team of professional experts in the financial, managerial and health sector. The financial management of the hospital as a whole is divided into 3 main areas: Ordinary management, including expenses related to wages payment, purchase of medicines, electricity, food, transport and phone. These costs are covered by the national insurance contribution and by patients. In case of poor patients a charity fund fed by small local or international donations helps. Extraordinary management involves the maintenance of buildings, small renovations,possible improvements and limited housing developments. The cost of these operations is covered thanks to the profits of the various agricultural and handcraft activities that are made within the hospital and that help first of all the hospital itself. Money coming fromexternal services are reinvested in the context of extraordinary management. The management of large projects includes the purchase of special equipment or the construction of bigger buildings. The costs of these activities are covered byfunds and financial support of different organizations, ecclesial communities, or even individual contributions. This project belongs exactly to this area.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Current situation: the hospital's service area regards approximately 300,000 people;patients come for both emergency and “normal” care; some are hospitalized. Considering the busy activity of the hospital, and in particular of the operating rooms, it seemsnecessary to activate and improve the performance of the Analysis Laboratory. Currently73,561 clinical chemical examinations are performed in a year; the results should beavailable for the doctors in a few hours. Problem: the hospital has currently only one machine for clinical chemical analysis: every time this machine doesn’t work properly the ananlysis isn’t made and causes important delays that affect the efficiency in general and let people stay much longer at the hospital.There has even been a period that lasted several months in which it was not possible to provide the medical service.
Goal: we would like to purchase of a new machine for clinical chemical analysis that could work together with the old one. This will improve the efficiency of the laboratory and most of all it will avoid the paralysis of the service in case of failure of the machine.
We identified the machine ILAB ARIES wlo ISE - Automated Biochemistry Analyzer – as the most appropriate for our goal. It allows up to 280 tests / h and is distributed by TechnomedLtd based in Nairobi. This choice was made considering several aspects; the most important one is that the company is located in Kenya and the service assistance is therefore professional and quick in case of failure; the cost is relatively limited in comparison to similar instruments too. The price is KSHS 2,610,000.00, equivalent to about 26,000 Euro; the cost includestransportation, installation, training of the personnel on site and a one year warranty. P.O. BOX 88 - 20318 NORTH KINANGOP - KENYA Tel. 050-50592 Fax 050-50737
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